Friday, April 24, 2009

Nouwen's ¡Gracias!

I am currently reading ¡Gracias!, a 6-month journal by Henry Nouwen when he was considering living in Latin America. The difficulty of the book is that you can read a journal entry of his in a few minutes, which was his processing for that entire day. Asa result, you end up jumping around a lot. That said, the insights he shares are amazing. His experience of God is so much deeper than mine. In reading a few pages today, we covered comforting those who are grieved, the costs of continually living with and loving the poor, experiencing God in prayer and the way images (e.g., TV) affect that. There are entries on simple people who have incredible stories of forgiveness and love. One entry on ministry absolutely rocked by boat. I hope to do another post on it. There was even his simple statement, "I pray my time in Bolivia will teach me more than Spanish." This resonates, as I have the same hope for our time in Costa Rica.

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