Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Uprising: Humility

In thinking about humility, and where to start, it was good to be reminded God is humble (53). God came in humility because he is humble. If he wasn't humble, he wouldn't of acted the way he did.

It was also good to be reminded that humility comes before honor (55). Jesus was most honored because he was most humble. The humility journey is counter-intuitive. We descend with the hope of being elevated. We'd all think customer service in a department was crazy if they said we need to ride the escalator down to the basement to make it up to floor 2. If that's the way it works though, I'd much rather know than to climb to floor 2 only to find myself in the basement.

The author writes from the vantage point that humility has a lot to do with us. Humility demands nothing of God and begins with emptying ourselves of ourselves. Christ had to empty himself of his divine attributes while keeping his divine virtues, but we need to empty ourselves our selfish ambition and vain conceit. Humility is coming to come to God without an agenda or reservation.

Another interesting point is that Scripture never calls us to pray for humility. Instead we are commanded to be humble (61). Humility is something I have to choose, but I do ask God for help in the process. I am often blind to the ways I am proud. I want to be shown these ways, and they do get shown with time through reflection and/or people have the courage to tell me (thank you Kare!).

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