Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lent '09 - Day 12: Seek his kingdom

When instructing his disciples not to worry about things, Jesus says, "your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well" (Luke 12:30-31). This command to seek the command strikes me. We don't talk about it a lot directly, and I know I don't wake up thinking about seeking the kingdom. Seeking is a critical part of life with Christ. We talk about seeking occurring when coming to start a relationship with Christ, but relationship with Christ just points us to seeking God's reign. Seeking the Kingdom occurs in many ways, but it's important to ask, "how am I seeking the Kingdom today?" Maybe through praying for friends and family, engaging in conversation with coworkers at work, researching ways to put saved money to use for the world's poor?

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