Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lent '09 - Day 19: "Pray that you will not fall into temptation"

"Pray that you will not fall into temptation" (Luke 22:40, 46). This is Jesus' last command to the disciples before being betrayed. Once temptation has hooked me, it is like I'm falling. It's almost impossible to stop falling until ground is hit. Jesus is wise, and advocates that we avoid the pit to begin with. But it's hard to pray to resist temptation if you don't know what you're tempted by.

I'm tempted by productivity and the lure of being in charge of my own schedule. When I wake up, I almost immediately think about all there is in the day that I get to do. I'm excited by these things. I want to jump right into them, to get them done. Engaging with God can then be an opponent to me getting as much as possible done. I have enough years experience now to know that setting my own agenda for the day doesn't work out well. It's like I have gum on my shoe; every step has annoying resistance.

When confronted with a situation, I'm tempted sometimes to not disclsose all that I know or obscure the facts, especially if this will help shed me in not as negative of a light. This really annoys me. i can be untruthful without thinking. This occurs with minor affairs, but I know how I act in small things sets the course for bigger things. This behavior needs to be resisted.

I expect that those who meaningfully pray the Lord's prayer are talking with God about temptation. If you haven't done this for awhile, maybe now's a good time.

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